The Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired held an online symposium in January 2018, and have now published ten presentations as online videos covering a range of interesting topics. This is a great opportunity to organise some professional development within your O&M team!
Call for Papers – JSPEVI 2018
The journal is in its 10th year and this is an exciting and highly significant period in the evolution of IJOM. All volumes are now published in an open access format. This means that this years volume, all past volumes, and future volumes are available for reading, free of charge, at Dr Steer and I are delighted that authors are now able to publish their important work and that it reaches an even a wider audience.
Further, it is with great pleasure that we announce another significant development for this journal. As of 2019, the journal will be published under the name: Vision Rehabilitation International with a new Editor-in-Chief Dr Lisa Nivison-Smith, Centre for Eye Health, University of NSW, Australia. Dr Steer and I are delighted that Dr Nivison-Smith will lead the next phase of the journal and we will continue as Editors.
Vision rehabilitation focuses on improving the functional ability of a person who is blind or has low vision so that quality of life can be maintained. Vision Rehabilitation includes a range of services and tools in addition to orientation and mobility (O&M). For example, low vision optical devices, assistive technology; falls prevention; and adaptive independent living skills. All of these services compliment each other as do the skills and expertise of professionals working in these areas.
It is important to acknowledge our esteemed editorial advisory panel who have provided direction and encouragement to us, the editors, over the past 10 years. Warm thanks to Dr Bruce Blasch, Dr Laura Bozeman, Dr Nora Griffin-Shirley, Dr Susanne Grüberger, Dr Kathleen Mary Huebner, Dr Steve La Grow, Dr Nurit Neustadt-Noy, and Dr Sandra Rosen. Appreciation is also extended to the peer reviewers who perform an essential role in the selection of manuscripts that are published.
Thank you for your readership and support over the years. We look forward to supporting Dr Nivison-Smith in the evolution of an excellent journal.
Kind regards,
Dr Desirée Gallimore MAPS
M.A(Psych), M.A(Deaf/Comm),PhD, MBA
17th Deafblind International World Conference
The conference, hosted by AbleAustralia, will take place August 12 -16, 2019 at the Surfers Paradise Marriott Resort & Spa on the Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia.
The conference theme is Sharing the knowledge to ACT – Accessibility I Communication I Technology.
In keeping with this theme, we aim to showcase research, experiences and best practices that are shaping the world for those who are deafblind. This conference is not only for academics and professionals working in the field of deafblindness, but also professional interpreters and communication guides, people who are deafblind, together with families of people with both acquired and congenital deafblindness.
More information about the conference will be added over the coming days and weeks, so stay tuned! Call for papers now open!
Access and Inclusion through Technology
A round up of news from the world of accessible technology