OMAA Terms of Reference

OMAA Terms of Reference (TOR)

The reviewed draft 2024-27  OMAA Terms of Reference (TOR) documents, to be published at the AGM, have now been uploaded onto the OMAA website. These documents underpin the constitution and provide detail regarding the current purpose and make up of OMAA.  They are living documents; the 2024-27 versions developed from previous versions, developed over the years and made public on the website in the last version. The 2024-27 TOR will be tabled for membership consideration at the 2024 AGM alongside the reviewed three-year strategic goals.  Any feedback is welcomed from membership on either document prior to the end of August 2024 to


Kay Daly

OMAA President

Terms of Reference 2024-27 Part 1

Terms of Reference 2024-27 part 2